screenshot of project named city-weather
City Weathermore_vert

See Repo See deployed site

How was it made?close

Uses JavaScript to make an API request, formats and displays weather data and saves the search in local storage. Styling with Materialize CSS.

screenshot of project named Note Taker Express
Note Taker Expressmore_vert

See RepoSee deployed site

How was it made?close

Uses Node.js and Express.js to perform CRUD operations on a JSON database. Deployed to Heroku. UUID creates a unique ID for each note. Styled with Bootstrap.

screenshot of project named Team Portfolio Maker
Team Portfoliomore_vert

See RepoDemo Video

How was it made?close

Node.js command line application that uses Inquirer to collect user input, then populates an HTML template with the data to create a team portfolio. Jest for running tests. Styled with Materialize CSS.

screenshot of project named Workday Scheduler
Work Day Schedulermore_vert

See RepoSee deployed site

How was it made?close

Uses JavaScript and jQuery to allow user input in a schedule and save the info to local storage. Tasks change colors after their scheduled time has passed. Scheduled tasks can be edited, added to, or deleted. Luxon is used to manage time conversion for updating the status of saved tasks.

screenshot of project named Readme Generator
ReadMe Makermore_vert

See RepoDemo Video

Card Titleclose

Here is some more information about this product that is only revealed once clicked on.

screenshot of project named Password Generator
Password Generatormore_vert

See RepoSee deployed site

How was it made?close

Uses JavaScript to get parameters from user to create a random password. Custom styling